57 research outputs found

    Fear of Missing Out, online social networking and mobile phone addiction: A latent profile approach

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    Summary. Fear of missing out (FoMO) is described as a pervasive, unpleasant sensation that others might behaving rewarding experiences of which one is not part, as well as the desire to stay continually connected withwhat others are doing. It has been shown to play an important mediating role in predicting negative outcomes ofheavy use of social networks. The aim of the present study was to analyze the different profiles found among users.5,280 Spanish speaking social media users from Latin America replied via an online survey to the Spanish versionof the FoMO scale, as well as to a short set of questionnaires on online social network use (frequency, intensity andtype of access) and indicators of mobile phone addiction. FoMO correlated with the number of different networksused and with all indicators of social network use and mobile phone addiction. Using a Latent Profile Analysis,four classes of users were identified: low-engagement light users, high-engagement heavy users, high-engagementlow-risk users, and high-engagement high-risk users; individuals from the fourth class (7.6 % of the sample) canbe considered at risk of developing addiction to online social networks. Accessing social networks via the mobilephone and presenting addictive behavior seem to be important correlates of FoMO.Resum. La por de perdre’s alguna cosa (fear of missing out, FoMO) es descriu com una sensació aguda i desagradableque altres podrien estar tenint experiències gratificants dels quals un no és part, així com el desig de mantenir-se en contacte contínuament amb el que altres estan fent. S’ha demostrat que té un paper mediador importanten la predicció dels resultats negatius de l’ús intensiu de les xarxes socials. L’objectiu del present estudi va seranalitzar els diferents perfils que es troben entre els usuaris. 5.280 usuaris de xarxes socials online d’AmèricaLlatina castellanoparlants van respondre a través d’una enquesta en línia a la versió espanyola de l’escala FoMO,així com a una sèrie de qüestionaris curts sobre l’ús en línia de xarxes socials (freqüència, intensitat i tipus d’accés)i a indicadors d’addicció al telèfon mòbil. Es va trobar que FoMO correlaciona amb el nombre de diferents xarxessocials que s’utilitzen, amb tots els indicadors d’ús de xarxes socials, i amb l’addicció al telèfon mòbil. Mitjançantuna Anàlisi de Perfils Latents es van identificar quatre classes d’usuaris: usuaris amb us moderat i compromísbaix, usuaris amb ús fort i compromís fort, usuaris amb ús fort i baix risc, i usuaris amb ús fort i alt risc; els individusde la quarta classe (7,6% de la mostra) poden ser considerats en risc de desenvolupar addicció a les xarxessocials en línia. L’accés a les xarxes socials a través del telèfon mòbil i l’existència d’una conducta addictivasembla ser correlats importants de FoMO

    Influencia de las Motivaciones y los Estilos de Juego en Jugadores de MMORPG

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    En els darrers 30 anys els videojocs han esdevingut un dels productes d’oci més prevalent i transversals en les societats desenvolupades. Degut a la seva naturalesa, els jocs digitals permeten un ampli ventall d’interaccions complexes i els jocs multi-jugadors massius en línia (MMORPG, per les seves sigles en anglès) són els que ofereixen oportunitats més complexes d’acció e interacció entre jugadors. Per això és necessari l’estudi d’aquest fenomen i els aspectes psicològics associats al mateix. Així, la present tesis explora l¡àmbit de les motivacions per a l’ús de videojocs, així com la identificació de l’ús problemàtic i no problemàtic associat a aquestes motivacions. El primer estudio en el que participaren 253 jugadors hispanoparlants de World of Warcraft va tenir com a objectiu la identificació de les motivacions associades al joc en MMORPG. Un anàlisis factorial va mostrar la presència de quatre motius pel joc: socialització, exploració, assoliment i dissociació. El segon estudi l’integraren 430 jugadors de MMORPG i el seu objectiu era la caracterització de la població de jugadors en quant a motivacions i estils de joc. En el tercer estudi participaren 410 jugadors de MMORPG i es definir un model que aglutinava les motivacions per al joc en MMORPG així com el model dual de la passió, amb l’objectiu d’identificar les motivacions que s’associaven al joc no problemàtic (passió harmoniosa) i aquelles que s’associaven al joc problemàtic (passió obsessiva). Finalment, es realitzar una traducció i validació de l’instrument IGD-20 que avalua el Trastorn per joc a internet (IGD, per les seves sigles en anglès), amb una mostra de 1074 jugadors espanyols. Així mateix, aquest estudi va permetre trobar diferents patrons d’ús de videojocs que poden facilitar la identificació de l’ús problemàtic així com la seva associació a les motivacions per al joc.En los últimos 30 años los videojuegos han devenido uno de los productos de ocio más prevalentes y transversales en las sociedades desarrolladas. Debido a su naturaleza, los juegos digitales permiten un amplio abanico de interacciones complejas y los juegos multijugador masivos en línea (MMORPG, por sus siglas en inglés) son tal vez los que ofrecen oportunidades más complejas de acción e interacción entre jugadores. Por ello, es necesario el estudio de este fenómeno y los aspectos psicológicos asociados al mismo. Así, la presente tesis explora el ámbito de las motivaciones para el uso de videojuegos, así como la identificación del uso problemático y no problemático asociado a dichas motivaciones. El primer estudio en el que participaron 253 jugadores hispanoparlantes de World of Warcraft tuvo como objetivo la identificación de las motivaciones asociadas al juego en MMORPG. Un análisis factorial mostró la presencia de cuatro motivos de juego: socialización, exploración, logro y disociación. El segundo estudio lo integraron 430 jugadores de MMORPG y su objetivo era la caracterización de la población de jugadores en cuanto a motivaciones y estilos de juego. En el tercer estudio participaron 410 jugadores de MMORPG y se definió un modelo que aglutinaba las motivaciones para el juego en MMORPG así como el modelo dual de la pasión, con el objetivo de identificar las motivaciones que se asocian al juego no problemático (pasión armoniosa), y aquellas que promueven el juego problemático (pasión obsesiva). Finalmente, se realizó una traducción y validación del instrumento IGD-20 que evalúa el Trastorno por juego en internet (IGD, por sus siglas en inglés), con una muestra de 1074 jugadores españoles. Asimismo, este estudio permitió encontrar diferentes patrones de uso de videojuegos que pueden facilitar la identificación del uso problemático y su asociación a las motivaciones para el juego.In the last 30 years, video games have become one of the most prevalent and transversal leisure products in developed societies. Due to their nature, digital games allow for a wide range of complex interactions, and massively multiplayer online games (MMORPGs) are perhaps the ones that offer more intricate possibility space for action and interaction between players. Therefore, it is necessary to study this phenomenon and the psychological aspects associated with it. Thus, this thesis by compendium of publications explores the scope of motivations for the use of video games, as well as the identification of problematic and non-problematic use of video games associated with such motivations. The first study involving 253 Spanish-speaking World of Warcraft players aimed to identify the motivations associated with MMORPG play. A factorial analysis showed the presence of four motivations: socialization, exploration, achievement and dissociation. In the second study participated 430 players of MMORPG and the objective was the characterization of the population of players related tomotivations and styles of play. In the third study participated 410 players of MMORPG and a model was defined that agglutinated the motivations for play in MMORPG as well as the dualisticmodel of passion, with the objective of identifying the motivations that are associated to non-problematic play (harmonious passion), and those that promote problematic play (obsessive passion). Finally, a translation and validation of the IGD-20 instrument evaluating the Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD) was carried out with a sample of 1074 Spanish players. In addition, this study allowed us to find different patterns of video game play that can facilitate the identification of problematic use, and their association with the motivations

    Titanium Dioxide, but Not Zinc Oxide, Nanoparticles Cause Severe Transcriptomic Alterations in T98G Human Glioblastoma Cells

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    Titanium dioxide and zinc oxide are two of the most widely used nanomaterials. We assessed the effects of noncytotoxic doses of both nanomaterials on T98G human glioblastoma cells by omic approaches. Surprisingly, no effects on the transcriptome of T98G cells was detected after exposure to 5 g/mL of zinc oxide nanoparticles during 72 h. Conversely, the transcriptome of the cells exposed to 20 g/mL of titanium dioxide nanoparticles during 72 h revealed alterations in lots of biological processes and molecular pathways. Alterations to the transcriptome suggests that exposure to titanium dioxide nanoparticles might, potentially, compromise the integrity of the blood brain barrier integrity and cause neuroinflammation. The latter issue was further confirmed phenotypically with a proteomic analysis and by recording the release of interleukin 8. Titanium dioxide also caused autophagy, which was demonstrated through the increase in the expression of the autophagy-related 3 and microtubule associated protein 1 light chain 3 alpha genes. The proteomic analysis revealed that titanium dioxide nanoparticles might have anticancerigen properties by downregulating genes involved in the detoxication of anthracyclines. A risk assessment resulting from titanium dioxide exposure, focusing on the central nervous system as a potential target of toxicity, is necessary

    A Transcriptomic Analysis of T98G Human Glioblastoma Cells after Exposure to Cadmium-Selenium Quantum Dots Mainly Reveals Alterations in Neuroinflammation Processes and Hypothalamus Regulation

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    Quantum dots are nanoparticles with very promising biomedical applications. However, before these applications can be authorized, a complete toxicological assessment of quantum dots toxicity is needed. This work studied the effects of cadmium-selenium quantum dots on the tran scriptome of T98G human glioblastoma cells. It was found that 72-h exposure to 40 µg/mL (a dose that reduces cell viability by less than 10%) alters the transcriptome of these cells in biological pro cesses and molecular pathways, which address mainly neuroinflammation and hormonal control of hypothalamus via the gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor. The biological significance of neuroinflammation alterations is still to be determined because, unlike studies performed with other nanomaterials, the expression of the genes encoding pro-inflammatory interleukins is down-regulated rather than up-regulated. The hormonal control alterations of the hypothalamus pose a new concern about a potential adverse effect of quantum dots on fertility. In any case, more studies are needed to clarify the biological relevance of these findings, and especially to assess the real risk of toxicity derived from quantum dots exposure appearing in physiologically relevant scenarios

    Effect of the frustration of psychological needs on addictive behaviors in mobile videogamers. The mediating role of use expectancies and time spent gaming

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    Casual videogames (CVGs), played on smartphones, are becoming increasingly popular, especially among females and adults. Whereas the addictive potential of online (computer) videogames is well-established, there is yet insufficient evidence for Internet gaming disorder (IGD) in mobile gamers and for the mediating role of some mechanisms involved. The aim of this study is to investigate the impact of the frustration of psychological needs on mobile videogamers' addictive behavior as well as the role of cognitions (game-use expectancies) and behaviors (time spent playing) through a hypothesized serial mediation model, while controlling for important correlates, such as game genre, age, gender and payment during play. A total of 471 mobile game users (211 males) with an average age of 21.73 replied to an online survey containing sociodemographic and game variables, the Need Satisfaction and Frustration Scale (NSFS), the Internet Gaming Disorder Scale-Short Form (IGDS9-SF) and a slightly modified version of the Internet Use Expectancies Scale (IUES). The results corroborate the negative effects of need frustration on IGD among mobile gamers and clarify the role of time spent playing and game-use expectancies in the development of IGD, highlighting the important role of cognitions in this relationship. We conclude that both the time spent playing and game-use expectancies should be important targets for clinical interventions, even though they are not included in the diagnostic criteri

    May the passion be with you: The addictive potential of collectible card games, miniatures, and dice of the Star Wars universe

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    Background and aims In recent years, we have witnessed a growing research interest in behavioral addictions and in pleasurable behaviors that generate a certain discomfort in the people who engage in them. The objective of this study was to assess if users of collectible card games, miniatures, and dice from the Star Wars Universe Games (SWUG) may also present criteria of addiction and if the presence of these criteria is related to demographic variables, game-playing habits, and other variables. Methods SWUG players were contacted through specialized gaming chats, and 218 of them completed the Internet Gaming Disorder Scale – Short Form (IGDS-SF9), a scale that assesses motivation to engage in the game (Massively Multiplayer Online Motivations Scale), the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Questionnaire, the Diener Satisfaction with Life Scale, and a question for the self-assessment of addiction. Results Significant predictors of addictive symptoms were the motivation to seek dissociation and (negatively) self-esteem. Users more significantly dedicate indirect hours to the game (thinking about the game, preparing material, etc.) than to actually playing. No participant could be considered pathologically addicted, as no one scored above the tentative cut-off point of the IGDS-SF9. Discussion and conclusions Despite the fact that many players considered themselves “addicted” and some presented various economic and family problems related to their activity, it was found that playing these games could not be equated to true addictive behavior, since no player had scores above the cut-off point. This finding contributes to current discussions about the tendency to overestimate excessive pleasurable behaviors

    Fear of Missing Out, online social networking and mobile phone addiction : a latent profile approach

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    Background and aims: Fear of missing out (FoMO) is described as a pervasive unpleasant sensation that others might be having rewarding experiences of which one is not part, as well as the desire to stay continually connected with what others are doing. It has shown to play an important mediating role in predicting negative outcomes of heavy use of these networks. The aim of the present study was to analyze the different profiles found among users. Methods: 5,280 Spanish speaking social media users from Latin America replied in an online survey to the Spanish version of the FoMO scale, to a short set of questionnaires on online social network use (frequency, intensity and type of access) and indicators of mobile phone addiction. Results: FoMO correlated with the number of different networks used and with all indicators of social network use and mobile phone addiction. Using a Latent Profile Analysis, four classes of users were identified: low-engagement light users, high-engagement heavy users, high-engagement low-risk users, and high-engagement high-risk users; individuals from the fourth class can be considered at risk for developing addiction to online social networks (7.6 % of the sample). Discussion: Accessing the social networks via the mobile phone and presenting addictive behavior seem to be important correlates of FoMOLa por de perdre's alguna cosa (fear of missing out, FoMO) es descriu com una sensació aguda i desagradable que altres podrien estar tenint experiències gratificants dels quals un no és part, així com el desig de mantenir-se en contacte contínuament amb el que altres estan fent. S'ha demostrat que té un paper mediador important en la predicció dels resultats negatius de l'ús intensiu de les xarxes socials. L'objectiu del present estudi va ser analitzar els diferents perfils que es troben entre els usuaris. 5.280 usuaris de xarxes socials online d'Amèrica Llatina castellanoparlants van respondre a través d'una enquesta en línia a la versió espanyola de l'escala FoMO, així com a una sèrie de qüestionaris curts sobre l'ús en línia de xarxes socials (freqüència, intensitat i tipus d'accés) i a indicadors d'addicció al telèfon mòbil. Es va trobar que FoMO correlaciona amb el nombre de diferents xarxes socials que s'utilitzen, amb tots els indicadors d'ús de xarxes socials, i amb l'addicció al telèfon mòbil. Mitjançant una Anàlisi de Perfils Latents es van identificar quatre classes d'usuaris: usuaris amb us moderat i compromís baix, usuaris amb ús fort i compromís fort, usuaris amb ús fort i baix risc, i usuaris amb ús fort i alt risc; els individus de la quarta classe (7,6% de la mostra) poden ser considerats en risc de desenvolupar addicció a les xarxes socials en línia. L'accés a les xarxes socials a través del telèfon mòbil i l'existència d'una conducta addictiva sembla ser correlats importants de FoM

    Spanish validation of the Internet Gaming Disorder-20 (IGD-20) Test

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    In recent years, problematic and addictive gaming has been a phenomenon of growing concern worldwide. In light of the increasing awareness about this issue, the latest (fifth) edition of the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) included Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD) as an area in need of more empirical research. The Internet Gaming Disorder Test (IGD-20 Test) was developed as a valid and reliable tool to assess IGD. The aim of the present study was to validate the Spanish version of the IGD-20 Test, and analyze the different profiles found among a sample of 1,074 Spanish-speaking gamers. A confirmatory factor analysis showed the validity of the Spanish version of the IGD-20 Test and its six factor structure (i.e., salience, mood modification, tolerance, withdrawal, conflict and relapse). The latent profile analysis (LPA) showed five different gamer classes. The 'disordered gamers’ class comprised 2.6% of the participants. Based on this class, sensitivity and specificity analyses showed an adequate empirical cut-off point of 75 (out of 100). It is concluded that the Spanish version of the IGD-20 Test is valid and reliable and can be used in research into IGD among Spanish speaking populations

    Oxidized LDL Is Associated With Metabolic Syndrome Traits Independently of Central Obesity and Insulin Resistance

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    This study assesses whether oxidative stress, using oxidized LDL (ox-LDL) as a proxy, is associated with metabolic syndrome (MS), whether ox-LDL mediates the association between central obesity and MS, and whether insulin resistance mediates the association between ox-LDL and MS. We examined baseline data from 3,987 subjects without diabetes in the Progression of Early Subclinical Atherosclerosis (PESA) Study. For the second, third, and fourth ox-LDL quartiles versus the first, the odds ratios (95% CI) for MS were 0.84 (0.52, 1.36), 1.47 (0.95, 2.32), and 2.57 (1.66, 4.04) (P < 0.001 for trend) once adjusted for age, sex, smoking, LDL-cholesterol, BMI, waist circumference, and HOMA-insulin resistance (HOMA-IR). Results showing the same trend were found for all MS components except glucose concentration. Ox-LDL mediated 13.9% of the association of waist circumference with triglycerides and only 1-3% of the association with HDL-cholesterol, blood pressure, and insulin concentration. HOMA-IR did not mediate the association between ox-LDL and MS components. This study found higher ox-LDL concentrations were associated with MS and its components independently of central obesity and insulin resistance. Ox-LDL may reflect core mechanisms through which MS components develop and progress in parallel with insulin resistance and could be a clinically relevant predictor of MS development.Y.H.-R. received support from Republic of Peru and the Inter-American Development Bank through FINCyT Science and Technology Program Scholarships No. 088-FINCyT-BDE-2014 under agreement 1663/OC-PE. M.L. received partial support from the Institute de Salud Carlos III, cofunded by the European Regional Development Fund/European Social Fund, "Investing in Your Future" grants PI10/00021 and PI14/00009. The PESA study is supported by a noncompetitive unrestricted grant shared between the CNIC and Santander Bank. The CNIC is supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) and the Pro-CNIC Foundation and is a Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence (MINECO award SEV-2015-0505).S

    Adicción a internet y móvil : una revisión de estudios empíricos españoles

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    Determinar los factores que diferencian el uso de Internet y móvil saludable del patológico. Método: Se revisaron doce estudios empíricos publicados por investigadores españoles sobre adicción a Internet y teléfono móvil entre 2002 y 2011, obtenidos a partir de una búsqueda en PsycINFO y en Psicodoc. Resultados y Discusión: Se observó una relación entre el uso problemático de Internet y diversos trastornos psicológicos y entre el uso problemático y el tiempo conectado. La comunicación alterada de identidad podría explicar la diferencia entre uso seguro y problemático de Internet y móvil. La cautela de los investigadores sugiere que no se puede confirmar la existencia de un trastorno adictivo grave y persistente relacionado con el móvil e Internet en base a encuestas poblacionales.Determine the factors that differentiate problematic from healthy use of Internet and mobile. Method: Twelve empirical studies about Internet addiction and mobile phone published by Spanish researchers between 2002 and 2011 were reviewed. They were obtained from a search in PsycINFO and Psicodoc. Results and Discussion: There was a relationship between problematic Internet use and psychological disorders and between problematic use and time online. Altered identity communication could explain the difference between safe and problematic Internet and mobile phone use. The researchers caution suggests that we cannot confirm the existence of a serious and persistent addictive disorder associated with the mobile and the Internet based on population surveys